All CS:GO Map Callouts: Overviews and Maps

Callouts are a key aspect of CS:GO, and your success relies heavily on your ability to communicate with your teammates correctly. If you’re new to the game, callouts are likely to be more confusing than helpful, and joining a lobby for the very first time might have you feeling a bit at odds.
To help you understand your teammates and their callouts, we’ve outlined every map in the competitive rotation and their individual callouts.
As the only map to be featured in every Major Championship ever, Mirage has become a staple of competitive CS:GO. With its somewhat balanced layout strongly encouraging teamwork and planning, it stands as an icon on par with classics such as Dust 2 and Train.

Map overview of Mirage
While it has been changed and polished quite a bit since first being added to the game in the original Counter-Strike, the essence of what made Inferno great remains the same. Map control and reading your opponents’ rotations are key to being effective here.

Map overview of Inferno
Compared to the beforementioned maps, Overpass is a relatively new addition to the map rotation. Despite its youth, the urban-inspired map quickly became a favored pick across all skill levels. Both sides have a lot of options in how to advance the map and take sites throughout the match.

Map overview of Overpass
Dust 2
Easy to learn, hard to master – Dust 2 has all the ingredients that make a great map for casual and competitive play. Its long corridors and pathways allow for easy utility and fast-paced teamwork whether you’re queuing up with friends or randoms.

Map overview of Dust 2
Either you love it or hate it – no map splits the waters in terms of popularity as much as Nuke. Featuring two vertically overlapping bomb sites, players will have to rely on coordinated tactics on the T-side, while the CT-side relies heavily on quick rotations

Map overview of Nuke
Despite being recently removed from the Active-Duty rotation, Train is still an all-time great. Featuring a heap of angles from an almost maze-like layout of abandoned railroad cars, players will have to count on utility to screen attacks.

Map overview of Train
One of the more recent additions to the Active-Duty rotation, Vertigo has had its share of criticism from both professionals and fans. Still, its unique layout allows for unconventional tactics and gameplay, which is great if you’re feeling burnt out from the more classic map variants.

Map overview of Vertigo
The latest addition to the map rotation in competitive CS:GO, Ancient has been received with mixed reactions. Players will have to check their angles and focus on getting their utility use up if they want to be successful here.

Map overview of Ancient