Best Champions to Play in Patch 12.10

With the durability update in Patch 12.10, players are getting longer team fights thanks to a bunch of new health, armor, and magic resistance buffs.
Champions that may have been average before Patch 12.10 are now performing in games. While other champions, who were already doing well, are performing even better with the new update.
This article will suggest the best champions to pick up in 12.10 currently according to statistics provided by U.GG.

Source: Riot Games
Top lane
Lillia had been strong before patch 12.10, but with the durability buffs, she has only improved in performance on the rift. She is currently a hidden gem in patch 12.10 and holds a 53.85%-win rate in the toplane.
Not only that, but Lillia’s true damage from her Q is invaluable in patch 12.10 with every champion having more sustain. She also deals more damage based on the target’s maximum health because of her passive.
This makes her a great pick for longer team fights and against champions building percent health items.

Source: Riot Games
Before patch 12.10 was released, Olaf’s recent rework had already put him in a great spot. With the new patch, he is only performing better as players master the new changes to his kit.
With dueling power perfect for skirmishes, Olaf is an excellent pick for this patch. His ultimate allows him to fight for even longer periods of time as it stays active for as long as he is attacking an enemy.
Olaf currently has a 52.92%-win rate in the top lane and remains a strong pick for the new meta in League of Legends.

Source: Riot Games
Although Kayle had received a few nerfs in a hotfix recently, she remains a solo-carry machine. With the meta shifting towards scaling champions, Kayle is a solid pick for players to add to their champion pool.
In lower ranked games, Kayle thrives since players have a harder time closing out games and typically do not punish her weak laning phase. However, in higher ranked games she does just as well as a counter-pick to other champions.
With a 52.00%-win rate, Kayle is in a great position in the current meta and the hotfix nerfs have barely touched the impact she has in games.

Source: Riot Games
Wukong is a reliable pick for 12.10 and one advantage this champion offers are that he can be used as a flex pick. This means the enemy team will be left guessing if he will be played top or jungle.
Another reliable aspect of Wukong is his itemization. He can build as a tank-bruiser giving him plenty of damage and sustain. With his W now able to go past walls and keep him invisible, players that master Wukong can make great plays for their team.
In this patch, Wukong is sitting comfortably with a 53.20%-win rate across ranks. This champion offers great utility and team fighting capabilities for every team making him a great pickup for players in patch 12.10.

Source: Riot Games
Volibear is another great champion for players to pick up in the new scaling meta. With his base health and armor increased, his scaling on his W ability only makes him better as a pick in this patch.
Another great thing about Volibear is that his ultimate can be used to disable towers. With his sustain and damage, this makes it easier to dive enemies and take tower plates after to increase the team’s gold lead.
Currently, Volibear has a 52.10%-win rate in patch 12.10. He is a valuable champion that is easy to learn, and his kit can be used to make great plays as a jungler.

Source: Riot Games
Trundle is a solid pick for patch 12.10 after the durability buffs to his health, armor, and magic resistance.
His early game enables him to take objectives quickly as he can secure drakes easily when his laners have priority. Trundle can pull off early ganks very well and move around the map quickly so players should take advantage of this playstyle at the start of the game.
Trundle can take down a tank with his team by pressing his R ability on the tankiest member of the enemy team. This ability reduces the enemy tank’s defensive stats while increasing Trundle’s armor and magic resistance.

Source: Riot Games
Mid lane
Zilean offers his team great utility with his ult and building cooldown reduction to stun his enemies with his Q and ult teammates to revive them. With team fights slowing down, he will be able to shine more with his set of abilities.
With the durability buffs, Zilean also has more sustain which allows him to continue using his abilities for his team without being taken down as easily himself. A well-timed Zilean ultimate ability has the potential to completely turn a fight and aid his team in winning the game.
In patch 12.10, Zilean has a high win rate of 55.27%. His utility in team fights is what brings such success to this champion making him a great pick in 12.10.

Source: Riot Games
Since her rework, Taliyah has been in the spotlight and performing as players have started to master the new changes. While Riot did hit her with a few nerfs in patch 12.10b, her roaming potential and wave control still make her a great pick.
The key to playing Taliyah is well-timed roams after using her speedy wave clear. Her ult allows her to move easily around the map and make great plays for her teammates. Her mechanical skill is high, but mastering her is worth investing time in.
Taliyah holds a solid 53.11%-win rate and will continue to thrive in this patch. Her utility and consistent damage shine in longer team fights where she can make some great plays.

Source: Riot Games
Swain’s rework has made him a great champion to play for some patches now. In patch 12.10, he has only improved.
With his utility, sustain, and power he is highly valuable in longer team fights. While he does not put out tons of damage, he is more of a battle mage. His power spikes are early and mid-game since he does not have as much scaling as other mages.
Swain currently has a 53.19%-win rate because of his great team fighting capabilities with his ultimate and sustain in skirmishes. Players who are looking for a strong early to mid-game champion should look into mastering this champion.

Source: Riot Games
Bot lane
Tahm Kench with fasting Senna
For a long time, the Tahm Kench ADC and fasting Senna support duo in the bot lane has been very strong. With the new durability buffs, Senna is less likely to be one-shot if she is caught out of position.
With this duo, Tahm Kench farms minions while Senna takes her soul stacks to increase her offensive stats that only scale the longer the game continues. This powerful duo brings utility with Tahm’s impressive engages and peel for his team. While Senna can provide her team with heals from her Q ability and a global ultimate that can shield her allies if they’re inside the blast range.
Tahm Kench and Senna are arguably the strongest bot lane duo right now with an astonishing 54.99% for Tahm Kench ADC. Players who play Tahm Kench with Senna should start with Doran's Shield to farm with while Senna will go the Spectral Sickle support item.

Source: Riot Games
One champion that is underestimated in this patch as an ADC is Seraphine. Although she builds AP, Seraphine provides great utility for her team with her ultimate, heals, crowd-control, and shields.
Seraphine is also not as weak early as players think. With consistent poke and sustain in lane, she is great at controlling the lane and not allowing the enemy bot lane to snowball. She also easily out scales different bot lane matchups and provides plenty of damage for her team.
With a 54.25%-win rate, it is shocking more players have not picked up on playing Seraphine ADC. Longer team fights and more sustain have only empowered Seraphine’s ability set making her a great ADC pick in patch 12.10.

Source: Riot Games
Since the durability buffs in patch 12.10, Kog’Maw has become one of the best ADCs to pick up. His laning phase isn’t as bad as players think and is easier than Vayne’s laning phase.
Kog’Maw’s W ability heavily scales with range while also putting out lots of damage as he completes his items. Because Kog’Maw does not have mobility, he will need a team that provides him utility such as shields or abilities that can give him movement speed.
Kog’Maw can also build other items before his mythic item. Most players start with Guinsoo’s Rageblade into Runaan’s Hurricane then Titanic Hydra. After these core items, players can choose if they need more magic resistance, Wit’s End. If they need crit and armor defense, they can build Randuin’s Omen.
After the hotfix nerfs to Vayne this patch, Kog’Maw has jumped ahead of her with a win rate of 53.16%. Players should consider picking up Kog’Maw because of his crazy scaling which is perfect for the patch 12.10 changes.

Source: Riot Games
Janna has always been the queen of utility when it comes to what she can offer her team. She can provide her team with healing, shielding, crowd control, and movement speed.
With champions surviving longer, Janna has a better chance of keeping her carries alive in team fights. Assassins will have a harder time taking out important carries making Janna’s job to peel them easier. Her kit greatly synergizes with hyper carries like Kog’Maw as she can keep enemies away in fights.
Because of her great utility, Janna has a 53.88%-win rate in patch 12.10. Players looking for a champion with the potential to carry games with utility should consider picking up Janna.

Source: Riot Games
Senna support has extremely strong carry potential in patch 12.10. Despite her already being hotfix nerfed in patch 12.10b, she remains a great support pick.
Her early game range, poke, harass, and sustain make it nearly impossible to trade against in the laning phase. Senna’s scaling attack speed, range, and attack damage are what makes her shine in patch 12.10. With games not ending as fast as before, she has more time to get her stacks and scale.
Senna support currently has a 53.13%-win rate, and she is even stronger when paired with Tahm Kench ADC as he can provide peel for her and more utility for their team. Great scaling, a global ultimate, and heals in team fights make Senna a great pick in patch 12.10.

Source: Riot Games
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc has been quite powerful in the last few patches, but in patch 12.10 she has only become a stronger pick for her team. With great utility from her kit, she is shining as one of the best support picks in this patch.
With plenty of utility for her team, Renata Glasc thrives at turning fights. A well-timed W to revive her teammate while also increasing their movement speed and attack speed can easily win a fight. Her ultimate also scales as the game goes on as the enemy team completes items. She has the potential to win a team fight herself late game with her ultimate ability.
Renata Glasc currently has a 53.12%-win rate and is a great choice against champions that like to engage such as Leona, Nautilus, or Thresh. Great utility and team fighting abilities make Renata Glasc a very strong pick for patch 12.10.