League of Legends Patch 12.8 Highlights

Patch 12.8 becomes the decisive update for League's Mid-season invitational to be played on by introducing a series of buffs and nerfs to ensure a diverse meta.
The newest League patch also brings the much-awaited Swain rework to live servers while introducing a series of buffs to 14 champions, old and new.

Source: Riot Games
After disabling Bard in all modes of play due to a game-crashing bug, Riot has now made the support champ available on live servers with a buff to his Passive Damage Scaling. On the other hand, Bard's W also receives a buff, with an increase in the maximum heal from 55/95/135/175/215 (+60% AP) to 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP). Jinx ends up on Riot's nerf list, with a decrease in her Base HP from 610 to 590.
With Patch 12.08, Riot strengthens a weak Kassadin with buffs to shield AP ratio and E AP ratio. Meanwhile, Riot nerfs meta-pick Xayah's Q poke, in an effort to diminish her lethality impact. Also, a base stat boost to Vladimir aims to improve his top-lane sustain against melee fighters. In an effort to reinsert Jhin back in professional play, Riot buffs the champ's W root duration while increasing the recharge rate of his E traps.
League fans can read about the changes to Stopwatch, bug fixes, and the rest of the competitive updates by clicking on the full patch notes article here.
Patch 12.08 is scheduled to hit live servers on Wednesday, April 27