Camille Receives Nerfs in League of Legends Patch 11.24 Preview

Riot Games have released a preview for their newest update, Patch 11.24, revealing nerfs for one of the dominant champions in the game, Camille while teasing adjustments, nerfs, and buffs for a list of its Chemtech and Hextech Dragons.
The balance update for Preseason also works on the items introduced in the last patch, adjusting three of its items, Axiom Arc, Lethal Tempo, and Kled.
Hey all!
— Phlox (@RiotPhlox) November 29, 2021
11.24 Patch Preview coming in hot. Mainly system changes as we follow up on preseason patch but we've got a few champions sprinkled in too.
We're still watching bounties/other systems/other champions but no changes this patch for them.
‘Broken’ Chemtech Dragonsoul to receive nerfs
Instead of granting players the ability to stay alive for a short duration, teams that secured the Soul received a free revive, unlike Sion's passive. With this nerf, players will no longer be able to abuse the revive mechanic currently at a 95% win rate. Riot is yet to reveal the exact nerfs in detail, as the complete Patch notes are expected to release later this week.
After the release of Preseason 2022, the upcoming patch is set to balance out the current meta after the introduction of new items and problematic buffs. Patch 11.24 is scheduled to hit live servers next Tuesday, Dec 8.