How To Play Support as a Beginner in League of Legends

Fed up with roaming the jungle on end, but not sure what to try next? Maybe you've never played League of Legends before. We get it, we’ve been there too. Using our tips you’ll know what to buy, what to do and what champions to pick – all while keeping everyone happy.
What is your primary objective?
Until your teammate on bot lane, the ADC, is strong enough, the role of the support is to help them as much as possible. This also means sacrificing yourself to allow them to escape from sticky situations should the need arise.
The support is also responsible for placing wards to keep track of enemy movements and predicting their tactics. To give their team a massive advantage that can carry a game, supports are also expected to know when objectives spawn.
- Dragon spawns 5:00 minutes into the game in Dragon Pit.
- Rift Herald spawns 10:00 minutes into the game in Baron Pit.
- Baron Nashor spawns 20:00 minutes into the game in Baron Pit.
- Elder Dragon spawns 35:00 minutes into the game in Dragon Pit.

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Some players like their supports to be with them at all times while others let you roam as you please. As the match enters the mid- and late game, the support should focus on helping the team, as opposed to just helping the ADC.
Depending on your champion, how you help your teammates is up to the abilities at your disposal. While the role of the support is mainly to help the team, some champions are able deal enough damage to kill certain enemies. It helps if they’re at low health or squishy.
What champions should you pick?
For aspiring support players, we recommend using Sona, Lulu, Alistar and Soraka as the go-to picks when starting out. These are all-round great champions that require very little to get into.

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A great champion for beginners, Sona has a simple set of abilities that are easy to learn and use. Her ultimate ability, Crescendo, does large AOE damage with decent range that’s easy to target. With her low mobility, squishiness and reliance on Crescendo, Sona isn’t without her faults.
How to play: Sona is all about positioning. You’ll need to be close enough to your enemies to harass during lane phase while still protecting your ADC. Start the game by sticking to your teammate, poking enemies occasionally with the Q ability, Hymn of Valor. In the mid- and late game, she transforms into a powerful healer. In team fights, buff your team with her W ability, Aria of Perseverance. Use her R ability, Crescendo, for slowing, damaging or killing enemies during team fights. Remember, she’s squishy, so be sure to keep your distance at all times.
Abilities include Hymn of Valor (Damage), Aria of Perseverance (Heal), Song of Celerity (Increased movement speed), Crescendo (AOE Ultimate).

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With her high utility and great crowd control, Lulu is strong champion with almost endless sustain. This allows her to stay on the lane for long periods of time without the need to fall back. She has superb peel, as she efficiently gets bruisers and tanks off her ADC. In an instant, she can turn team fights in her favour. Her adaptable playstyle is a perfect fit for every beginner looking to try out the support role.
How to play: For Lulu, you’ll want to poke with her Q ability, Glitterlance, while using, Help, Pix!, on yourself. This is the best way to position yourself against hard hitting poke supports while still harassing them and their ADC. Keep warding brushes and concentrate on having vision control of the drake pit to prevent enemy ganks as much as possible. Focus on using her E and W ability, Whimsy, for great crowd control in team fights.
Abilities include Glitterlance (Damage), Whimsey (Movement speed), Help, Pix! (Damage or Shield), Wild Growth (Buff Ultimate).

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Good at crowd control, Alistar is fantastic in team fights during the late game. Thanks to his great sustain, he can hold his lane while his ultimate makes it impossible for enemies to contain him in most situations. Using his peel abilities, he is able to protect his ADC without risking too much. His W and Q ability combo also makes him a great initiator in team fights, as he can take enemies by surprise, leaving them stunned and vulnerable to ganks.
How to play: The main strength of Alistar is his combo with his Q and W abilities, Pulverize and Headbutt. Pulverize can be activated during Headbutt to immediately cast on arrival, stunning enemies for a few seconds, pinning them in their place. You’ll need to practice the timing and range a bit, but once you’re familiar with how it works, using this combo effectively is sure to win you most team fights. Keep plenty of Control Wards around the bottom brushes to ward off incoming ganks. Look to Headbutt enemies into allied turrets when possible – it’s a quick way to get an easy kill.
Abilities include Pulverize (AP Damage), Headbutt (Stun and knockback), Trample (Damage and Buff), Unbreakable Will (Cleanse and Protection).

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Focused on healing, crowd control and with incredible sustain, Soraka is a powerful healer. As the game progresses, she can out-sustain most enemies which makes her a valuable ally in team fights. Soraka excels at keeping her team alive, and her easy-to-get-into skillset is perfect for beginners.
How to play: During the early game, your focus should be on just surviving. Keep playing passively and help farming for as long as possible – avoid risking too much during ally ganks. In the mid game, stick to your ADC when roaming or on your lane. During team fights you should be positioned behind the team, yet close enough for you to heal effectively. Keep warding in brushes and near the baron pit to get better vision for your team.
Abilities include Starcall (Damage), Astral Infusion (Health), Equinox (AOE Damage), Wish (AOE Health).

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What items should you buy?
It differs from champion to champion – we’ve listed our recommended build for each one. Ultimately, you’ll want to try out different builds and items to figure out what's best for you, and your playstyle.
Season 11 Item build
Season 11 item build
Season 11 item build
Season 11 item build
How to keep your team happy
As a rule, focus on staying alive. Not dying means that you’re actively helping your team securing the win, at least in some way. The more time you spend playing, the quicker you’ll improve your game. This translates directly into how your team reacts to your performance, which means less toxicity towards you. It’s a win-win.
Also, remember your role – on top of being glued to your ADC for the first part of the game, you’ll need to use your wards in brushes and near objectives. You are, after all, a support for the team. This will improve map awareness, an advantage that teams with decent ELO will appreciate greatly. Look at the support role as you being a player-coach. Shot-calling, doing your side-objectives might seem difficult at first, but the only way to learn is to actually play.
Use your knowledge from the jungle to help your lane. You’ve been there, you know what the jungler needs to hear, so say it. Using clear communication is the best path to securing a win, and the importance of teamwork only grows as you climb the ranks with your new support role.
Get more with viciplay
The support role in League of Legends is possibly the most undervalued role in terms of popularity, but what it lacks in appreciation, it exudes in gameplay. Ever important in team fights, the support can turn the tides of battle in seconds through heavy crowd-control abilities and buffs.
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