League of Legends 11.17 Patch Notes

The latest patch for League of Legends arrived on August 25th and brought along bug fixes to Ashkan and Viego. At the same time, new buffs have made their way to Ekko, Evelynn, and Senna among others. The new update also adds a bunch of new Crime City Nightmare skins available from August 26th.

Source: Riot Games
Champion changes
While they've been more or less conservative with their nerfs and buffs this time around, Riot are going all in on their champion adjustments in Patch 11.17.
Taking a look at Amumu, the teary-eyed mummy gets a game-changing update to his kit, giving his Bandage Toss an extra charge. Lucians’ tenure on mid-lane also seems to be a thing of the past, as Riot looks to move him back down towards bot with a string of ability adjustments.
- [W] Going Rogue no longer allows Akshn to claim Scoundrels if dead
[E] Heroic Swing damage per shot decreased overall
- [Passive] Trial By Fire move speed now scales with level, starting from 15% instead of a locked 30%
[Q] Parrrley now counts as a ranged basic attack
[E] Powder Keg crit at 125% effectiveness with increased recharge time. The limit on barrels is adjusted to 3/3/4/4/5 instead of 3
[Q] Bandage Toss now has two charges at the cost of decreased damage from 80/130/180/230/280 to 70/100/130/160/190
[W] Despair base damage is increased from 8/12/16/20/24 to 12/16/20/24/28
[R] Curse of the Sad Mummy stun duration reduced to a locked 1.5 seconds
- Base attack damage decreased from 64 to 62
[Passive] Lightslinger now gets empowered by ally buffs to deal increased magic damage
[W] Ardent Blaze now triggers Vigilance whenever allies damage marked targets
[R] The Culling number of shots locked at 22 with 25% crit strike chance, while damage per shot has decreased from 20/40/60 to 15/30/45

Source: Riot Games
- Auto-attack range 225 decreased to 220
[Passive] Sovereign’s Domination healing upon possession of another champion is reduced from 8% to 3%
[Q] Blade of the Ruined King crit multiplier has been increased from 75% to 100%
[E] Harrowed Path reveal radius has been increased from 400 to 450
[R] Heartbreaker slow effect duration has been halved from 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds
- [Q] End of the Line mana cost has been increased from 60 to 80
- [Q] Bladesurge healing reduced from 12/14/16/18/20% attack damage to 8/10/12/14/16% attack damage
- [W] Eclipse magic resist and bonus armor decreased with 5 across all levels
- [Passive] The Darkin Scythe Shadow assassin bonus damage reduced from 12-44% to 8-30%
- [Q] Razor Shuriken bonus attack damage is increased from 100% to 110%
- [E] Shadow Dash bonus attack damage is reduced from 80% to 65%
- [R] Death Mask cooldown increased from 120/90/60 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds

Source: Riot Games
- [E] Toxic Shot damage increased from 11/22/33/44/55 to 14/25/36/47/58
- [R] Last Caress cooldown reduced from 140/110/80 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds
- Base health increased from 475 to 490
- [W] Ebb and Flow mana cost reduced from 70/85/100/115/130 to 70/80/90/100/110
- [Passive] Z-Drive Resonance damage versus monsters increased from 150% to 200%
- Base damage has been increased from 53 to 55
- [Q] Ice Shard mana cost reduced from 60/65/70/75/80 to 55/60/65/70/75
- [Passive] Absolution crit damage increased from 150% to 160%
- [R] Featherstorm base damage increased from 125/250/375 to 200/300/400
Item and rune changes
For this update, Riot are keeping the changes to a minimum, reserving the major changes to champions.
- Devine Sunderer attack damage is reduced from 40 to 35
- Hullbreaker health is reduced from 300 to 400
- Serpent's Fang lethality is reduced from 18 to 12
- Wits End magic damage on-hit is now locked at 15 at levels 1 to 8 and 25 to 80 at levels 9 to 18
- Fleet Footwork gets increased healing against champions from 3-60 (depending on level) (+30% bonus AD) (+20% AP)to 10-100 (depending on level) (+40% bonus AD) (+30% AP)

Source: Riot Games
Exclusive Crime City skins available from August 26th
Akali, Shaco, Twisted Fate, Darious and Zyra will all get their own unique Crime City Nightmare skins for a limited time. 3 additional skins, Brave Phoenix Xayah, Graceful Phoenix Seraphine and Divine Phoenix Anivia, will also be made available later on September 2.