League of Legends Patch 12.1 Highlights

Patch 12.1 kick-starts Season 12, readying players for an overhauled ranked mode, buffs to Dian and Gangplank, while reworking one of its Summoner's Rift spells, Teleport, and more.
With fewer adjustments and lesser changes to its champions, League's newest patch brings visual overhauls to Ranked mode as Riot monitors the current balanced state of the game.

Source: Riot Games
After being underpowered as a jungler, Diana's recent buffs put power back into her role, allowing players to jungle with the Mage more efficiently. Diana's Passive Moonsilver Blade gets the AP Ratio increased 40% 50% with the Monster Damage ratio getting buffed from 250% to 300%.
Gangplank receives a Q ability buff with a Mana Cost increase from 60/55/50/45/40 to 55/50/45/40/35 and a cooldown nerf that increases Parrley's effectiveness from 5 seconds to 4.5 seconds. Alternatively, Rek’Sai and Sona receive substantial nerfs that reduce their effectiveness in skilled and casual play.
Eclipse receives a nerf with the Ever Rising Moon Cooldown being increased from 6 seconds to 8. The developers move the lethality mythic back to a more balanced spot, making up for the buffs in Patch 11.23 that caused Eclipse to be one of the stronger items in the Lethality build.
Wits' end and Immortal Shieldbow are the other two items on Riot's list of nerfs. The visual updates to the Ranked mode introduce Ranked Crests, replacing Armor with a refreshed look at the profiles and the in-game lobby
Teleport spell reworked
Riot has chosen to rework the popular summoner's spell in its entirety while retaining its mid-to-late game impact. Players are now only restricted to teleport to the allied structure towers. After 14 minutes of casting, the spell changes into the regular Unleashed Teleport. This 14-minute break is meant to benefit mid and top liners alike.
Patch 3.12 releases on live servers Wednesday, January 5, but to experience the new Ranked mode, League fans will have to wait till January 7, the official launch date of the new Season.