League of Legends Patch 12.4 Highlights

League’s newest patch introduces the Evil Support champion Renata Glasc to the rift while buffing ADC champions Xayah and Lucian, in an effort to freshen out the current ADC assortment.
Besides including several system changes and tweaks for Objective bounties, Patch 12.4 also features buffs and adjustments for champions across ARAM mode.

Source:Riot Games
Riot targets Zeri again
After a slew of consistent nerfs that transformed the recently released champion’s kit into a more marksman-favourable build, Riot’s League team has targeted Zeri again with a list of adjustments to her basic charged and uncharged attacks. The new update also overhauls her entire ability kit by including balance changes to her Q, W, E and R abilities.
Uncharged basic attack
- Magic Damage: 15-40 (levels 1-18) (+4% AP) changed to 10-25 (levels 1-18) (+3% AP)
- Damage increase: 300% changed to 500% against enemies below 35% health
Charged basic attack
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40% buffed to 14/23/32/41/50% (based on Q rank)
Slow duration: 1.5 seconds changed to 1 second
Q ability: Burst Fire
- Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+110% AD) reduced to 9/13/17/21/25 (+110% AD)
- Updated – Burstier bursts: Burst Fire’s critical strikes now also multiply its base damage (in addition to its AD ratio)
- Excess attack speed to AD conversion: 50% increased to 60%
W ability: Ultrashock Laser
- Cooldown: 10 seconds at all ranks changed to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
- Slow: 50/55/60/65/70% changed to 30/40/50/60/70%
E ability: Spark Surge
- Cooldown: 23/21.5/20/19.5/17 seconds increased to 23/22/21/20/19 seconds
- Cooldown reduction: 1.5 seconds changed to 1 second per champion hit with charged basic attacks or abilities
R ability: Lightning Crash
- Bonus attack speed: 30/35/40% adjusted to 30% at all ranks
Zaun's hefty Juggernaut Dr Mundo receives some tweaks to his base stats after Riot decided to change his current position in the meta. Mundo has been tearing champs apart as a top-laner in lower-tier matches while failing to withstand his impact later in the game. Riot League’s team has reduced the tank's offensive power with a fixed cooldown rate of 110 seconds to his R ability at all ranks.
Besides introducing a set of skins titled ‘Shockblade’ for champs Qiyana, Kassadin and Shen, League’s upcoming patch marks the return of Firelight Ekko, a fan-favourite Arcane themed skin previously removed due to a series of bugs.
League’s Patch 12.4 is scheduled to hit live servers across all regions on Tuesday, February 17th. Players can read the rest of the changes that include adjustments to Qiyana’s passive and various quality of life updates by clicking on the full patch notes article here.