League of Legends Patch 12.7 Highlights

League’s newest update introduces buffs for several older champions to push some underused comps back into the fray.
Along with heavy nerfs for items like Galeforce and Winter’s Approach, Patch 12.7 is Riot’s first attempt at diversifying the current meta by buffing top-lane champs Gangplank and Wukong.

Source: Riot Games
With the Mid-Season Invitational nearing up, Riot's League team has also deployed nerfs for hot pro-play picks Ryze, Zeri, and Jayce. Jayce gets his base health reduced from 560 to 520 while his health growth slightly increases from 90 to 95.
With an increased burn base damage to his passive and a reduced mana cost, the changes to Gangplank will fulfill Riot's intent of pushing the top-laner as a viable pick in the current meta.
Yasuo receives some base health buffs and a reduction in R cooldown, while his Ionian sibling also receives a reduced ultimate cooldown to sustain his late-game impact.
The latest patch also includes several bug fixes and overhauls for Mythic essence, a new in-game currency. League fans can read more about it in detail by clicking on the official patch notes article here. Patch 12.7 is scheduled to release across live servers on Wednesday, April 13.