New League of Legends Champion Has Major Exploit

During their Season 12 live stream, Riot Games revealed the ability kit for their newest champion coming to the Rift, Zeri.
Despite some criticisms from players feeling like she falls in line with Riot’s recent trend of overloading new champions with abilities, the reception has been mostly positive.
However, one player, known as Vandiril on YouTube, has discovered a pretty significant flaw with her ultimate ability ‘Lightning Crash’ which stacks movement speed every time she hits an opponent while also extending the ability duration.
This has resulted in something that takes her mobility a bit further than what Riot seemingly originally intended.
Source: Vandiril
Given enough stacks, Zeri is able to cross the entire map in less than a second with the proper build, making her more or less invincible for as long as she hits an opponent. To put it into perspective, this means she can teleport from bot to top, and back again in the blink of an eye.
Even a third of this speed of the exploit would be uncounterable for any team, and even though this scenario is unlikely to happen during a real match, the fact that a champion is able to teleport across the map at will is something Riot will have to address before patch 12.2.
Until that happens, enjoy Vendiril zipping across Summoner's Rift with Zeri in 0.3 seconds.