April 01, 2022 - Written by TheSensei
Riot Planning Hotfix for Nexus Glitch

Riot has been working on a hotfix that arrived with patch 12.6, which allowed players to halve the total HP of the Nexus with a single auto-attack.
Source: Vandiril
What was initially believed to be a Rengar power-spike glitch thanks to a viral video from Kitzuo turned out to be an unintentional change from Riot Games. The clip featured Rengar taking down the Nexus from half HP with just a single auto attack.
The change went live with patch 12.6 and halved Nexus HP from 5500 to 3010 as well as Inhibitors and the Nexus not restoring health after taking damage.
According to Dexerto, Riot Games are planning a hotfix to deal with the issue and revert things back to normal as fast as possible.
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