Riot Rolls Out Renata Nerfs in Urgent Micro Patch

After having a surprisingly high win-rate across all tiers of play, Riot’s League team has rolled out a set of nerfs for the newly released support unit, Renata Glasc.
In an effort to prevent players from abusing the new champion, Riot rolled out a set of nerfs that aim to lower down the support unit’s win-rate which currently stands at 53.2%. It had just been 5 days since the champion’s release and Riot couldn’t wait till the next patch as time played a major factor, as her win-rate would climb higher the more players would gain experience playing the champion.
Renata micropatch nerf coming live very soon here. Put in some quick context as to why we're targeting what we're targeting. Generally looks like her WR growth will continue a bit so we want to get some nerfs in now.
— Blake Smith (@Squad5lol) February 23, 2022
Riot Designer ‘Blake Smith’ revealed the list of adjustments for the champion that mostly target her revive ability, Bailout. Riot’s intent behind these nerfs was to weaken the champ’s impact later during the game. Renata’s W ability, Bailout receives a cooldown nerf that increases her cooldown duration from 20 to 25. Also the duration of the revive gets’ reduced by 0.5 seconds — From 3 to 2.5.
Base stats
- Armor: 4 reduced to 3.5
Passive : Leverage
- Damage on-hit: 1-5% maximum health (Level 1-18) ⇒ 1-3% maximum health (Level 1-11)
W ability: Bailout
- Cooldown increased from 28-20 seconds to 28-24 seconds
- Burn down duration: 3 seconds reduced to 2.5 seconds
- Health gained on revive: 35% reduced to 20%
It is also likely that the champion will receive more adjustments as Riot monitors it’s impact on the meta after the latest slew of nerfs. Renata’s nerf-heavy hotfix is scheduled for an emergency release across live servers on Wednesday, February 23rd.