Riot to disable cross-team chat in Patch 11.21

Riot Games have decided to end the /all chat feature in all matchmade queues to curb verbal abuse. Emotes on Summoner's Rift, champion mastery flashes, and CTRL spam will, however, remain visible to the enemy team.
League of Legends is known for being incredibly strict with its chat regulations, even going so far as to ban some of the most aggressive chat offenders for life. This new initiative is meant as a test to combat the rise of severe toxicity the game has seen in recent years.
Team chat to remain enabled
Riot Producer Jeremy Lee AKA 'Brightmoon' clarified that allies can still communicate using Team chat.
"Team chat plays an important team coordination function, so the potential value it brings is much higher, even if it can also host some negative experiences."
With the termination of cross-team chat, the developers continue to tackle the increasing amount of in-game negativity. Patch 11.21 releases on Wednesday, October 20.