Top 5 Rarest Skins in League of Legends

Since its release more than a decade ago, League of Legends has had its share of unique and exclusive skins for each of the 150+ champions in the game. While most of these skins make their rounds in the shop each season, a select few have only been awarded to a small number of players.
In fact, some of these skins are so rare, that any accounts currently in possession of one of these skins could potentially be worth quite a bit of money.

Source: Riot Games
Awarded to Gold and Platinum ranked players at the end of Season 1 in 2011, the Victorious Jarvan IV skin is the first of the Victorious series and was only available for that season. The skin was initially not something Riot had planned on doing, and it was implemented as a last-minute decision to reward outstanding players.
The skin features Jarvan IV outfitted in decorated royal armor with silver plating and golden hem. Due to the slightly rushed nature of the skin, Victorious Jarvan IV does not have any new particle effects, animations or sounds.

Source: Riot Games
Players participating in the League of Legends closed beta, which ran from April to October in 2009, were awarded a special King Rammus skin in recognition of their feedback and playtesting. While the beta was an invite-only event, every player who signed up were eligible to receive it once the game was fully released later that year.
The King Rammus skin is basically just a recolor of the original, featuring a green shell and yellow skin as the only distinguishing characteristics.

Source: Riot Games
Originally released as part of the Collectors Edition for League of Legends, the bundle contains some of the rarest skins in the game, including Young Ryze, Silver Kayle, and Black Alistar. With an estimated 60.000 players having bought the Collector’s Edition when it was released in 2009, less than 1% of the current player base owns these skins today.
The skins themselves are somewhat basic compared to the newer skins we’re used to seeing today, however, both Young Ryze and Silver Kayle both feature new models and textures.

Source: Riot Games
At first glance, you’d be forgiven for mistaking the Rusty Blitzcrank skin for its original version. For this exact reason, players were initially unimpressed with the skin, claiming that the redesign wasn’t substantial enough. As a result of this, sales were low, and Riot quickly realized their mistake and pulled the skin from the store entirely.
With low sales combined with a rather short-lived stint in the store, the Rusty Blitzcrank is one of the rarest skins in the game, simply because of the fact that players didn’t want it when it was available.

Source: RIot Games
During the 2009 PAX Prime event, attendees were given a unique Twisted Fate skin to commemorate the event. While League of Legends certainly already had gained traction as one of the most promising games of that year, it was nowhere near place it is now and the number of players able to get it was therefore very low.
Less than 20.000 players are estimated to own PAX Prime Twisted Fate, making it one of the rarest skins, if not the rarest, in the game.
The skin is features Twisted Fate in an almost fully black outfit with blue hem. A PAX 2009 logo can be seen on the back of his coat tails, making it one of the only skins in the game with official branding on it.