Zeri To Receive More Nerfs in League’s Patch 12.6

After the hotfixes and nerfs in Patch 12.4 failed to diminish Zeri’s impact as a dominant ADC carry, Riot developer 'August' revealed the slew of upcoming changes that aim to lower her win rate. In higher ELO matches and upper tiers of ranked play, the newly-released carry-unit unit’s win rate soared to 52.
With their next League patch, Riot aims to bring down the champ's exorbitantly high win rate by lowering her mobility and damage, making her easier to take down.
Zeri the carry's winrate is still scary
— August (@RiotAugust) March 2, 2022
We're working on nerfs to make her more fair...i
Lower overall damage and mobility
Shift damage out of base AD to decrease power with sheen
Shift armor scaling into health (makes her Passive shielding and HP purchases worse) pic.twitter.com/ZJHiFpHDtL
In the latest set of nerfs, Riot’s League Team has targeted the entirety of Zeri’s kit which includes changes to her base stats, along with a decrease in movement speed per stack on her ultimate, lightning crash.
Base stats
- Base AD: 58 reduced to 50
- HP: 500 + 85/1v1 changed to 480 + 90/1v1
- Armor: 23 + 3.5/1vl changed to 20 + 3/1v1
Q ability - Burst Fire
- Damage: 9-25 changed to 10-30
- Charged right-click & max health damage: 3-15% by level 18 reduced to 1-10% by level
E ability - Spark Surge
- CD: 23-19 fixed to 23
- Passthrough damage: 80-100% changed to 60-100%
R ability - Lightning Crash
- MS/stack: 2% changed to 1.5-2%
- Stacks per champion hit with the AoE explosion: 3 reduced to 4
The set of nerfs that also affect her late-game impact and movement speed won't be added until the next patch, giving players an entire month to master the ADC carries skill ceiling with her current dominant state.
League fans can experience the changes to Zeri on live servers with Patch 12.6, slated for a March 30 release.