TFT Patch 11.23 Preview reveals nerfs for Samira and Miss Fortune

The preview for Teamfight Tactics’ newest update, Patch 11.23 reveals details about buffs and nerfs for a list of traits and items while nerfing one of its stronger champs, Samira.

Source: Riot Games
Patch 11.23 changes on a totality of 8 traits, including nerfs for Innovator and Academy while Enforcer and Sniper receive some adjustments across the board.
New Lab ‘Double Up’ to be released

Source: Riot Games
The second patch in Gizmos and Gadgets marks the arrival of the newest 2v2v2v2 lab, Double Up.
After the release of Hyper Roll in Patch 11.22, Riot Games are keen on giving TFT fans another unique experience with their newest lab. In Double Up, players compete with 4 other teams, sharing the same health pool with their partner in teams of 2.
After being available on PBE since Nov 2, ‘Double Up’ is scheduled to go live with Patch 11.23 on November 17.