Top 10 most creative traits in TFT so far

Teamfight Tactics is well known for its strategic traits, having delivered some of the most creative compositions of games in the genre. We've been having a lot of fun working on some incredible traits these past seasons, and we wanted to take a look back at a few of them.
These are the traits that we all once spammed for countless win streaks or simply enjoyed because of how exciting they were to play - here's our picks for the 10 most creative traits that have ever been released in TFT.

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Nothing was more annoying than seeing a little version of champions jump in after you killed the main ones. Helion was definitely a trait out of Hell.
Hellions gain bonus attack speed. Whenever a Hellion dies, a Doppelhellion of the same type (with one less star and no items) will leap from the Hellion portal and join the fight.
- 3 Hellions: +10% attack speed
- 5 Hellions: +55% attack speed
- 7 Hellions: +130% attack speed
The Helion Champions were Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Ziiggs, and the devilish Teemo. This trait was highly dependent on three-starring champions to get stronger Doppelhellions. What made it so creative was the added attack speed that also made the doppelhelions a threat.
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Hellions gain bonus attack speed. Whenever a Hellion dies, a Doppelhellion of the same type (with one less star and no items) will leap from the Hellion portal and join the fight.
- 2 Hellions: +10% attack speed
- 4 Hellions: +30% attack speed
- 6 Hellions: +70% attack speed
- 8 Hellions: +130% attack speed
This set came with the addition of Tristana to the Helion gang. One significant threat was Teemo. With a few items, Teemo could serve as a great counter to other traits.

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Hunter was the best trait for taking care of those enemy team carries that just didn't want to die. The trait was hard to put together but totally worth it once you could land 5 hunters.
Every few seconds, all Hunters will basic attack the lowest health enemy (infinite range), dealing increased damage.
- 2 Hunters: 125% damage every 3.5 seconds
- 3 Hunters: 150% damage every 3 seconds
- 4 Hunters: 175% damage every 2.5 seconds
- 5 Hunters: 200% damage every 2 seconds
The Champions in this trait were Aphelios, Ashe, Kindred, and Warwick. Although consistent Crowd control could hard counter the hunters, it was still a very creative and overpowered trait when it was around.
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With the arrival of Set 5 came the Forgotten trait. This trait was quite creative, considering it also depended on items. The use of dark items on a forgotten champion further increased the stats of the trait. With how tricky shadow items were, it was a very high-risk, high-reward trait.
Forgotten champions have bonus attack damage and ability power. Each Shadow Item held by a Forgotten champion increases these bonuses by 15% on all Forgotten champions, stacking up to 4 times.
- 3 Forgottens: 25 AD and AP
- 6 Forgottens: 60 AD and AP
- 9 Forgottens: 120 AD and AP
The forgotten champions were Draven, Hecarim, Katarina, Ryze, Thresh, Vayne, Viktor, Warwick, and Viego. The danger in this trait came from Draven and Viego. Draven apart, a two-star Viego had a heavy impact on games by turning enemy champions into allies. It was all down to how quickly you could get it
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Forgotten champions have bonus attack damage and ability power. Each victorious combat they participate in increases these bonuses by 10%, stacking up to 5 times.
- 2 Forgottens: 20 AD and AP
- 4 Forgottens: 40 AD and AP
- 6 Forgottens: 70 AD and AP
- 8 Forgottens: 200 AD and AP
The champions here were only Draven, Hecarim, Miss Fortune, Thresh, Vayne, and Viego. A champion could also gain the Forgotten trait with the Forgotten emblem. This trait was one of the most exciting traits to come with the set of reckoning.

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One of the most effective traits in TFT was Warlords. The stacks from victorious battles just made you unstoppable if you could keep the win streak by constantly upgrading and improving the comp.
Warlords gain additional maximum health and ability power. These bonuses are further increased by 10% with each victorious combat they participate in, stacking up to 5 times.
- 3 Warlords: +200 health and +20 ability power
- 6 Warlords: +450 health and +40 ability power
- 9 Warlords: +700 health and +70 ability power
Azir, Garen, Jarvan IV, Katarina, Nidalee, Vi, and Xin Zhao were the chosen champions. Apart from a chosen Warlord champion, you could also make any champion a Warlord by combining a Spatula and a Giant's Belt.
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- 3 Warlords: +250 health and +25 ability power
- 6 Warlords: +400 health and +40 ability power
- 9 Warlords: +700 health and +70 ability power
The only difference in champions was the replacement of Xin Zhao with Tryndamere. The fun thing about Warlords was the Katarina spam. With the right items, Katarina could clear the entire enemy team if not countered properly. With the combination of the abilities of champs like Azir and Jarvan, this trait was unstoppable.

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This cultist trait was all about bringing down the demonic Galio on your enemies. It was such an impressive trait and had you looking for that last Cultist champion to take your Cultist game to the next level.
Galio has a summon effect, a modified critical strike, and an active effect if there are 6 or more Cultists. 9-Cultist Galio is immune to crowd controls for 8 seconds after being summoned.
CRITICAL STRIKE: Galio's critical strikes are converted into magic damage and deal AoE damage.
SUMMON - ENTRANCE: Galio enters the fight, Airborne icon.png knocking up for 1.5 / 2 / 2 seconds and dealing 150 / 300 / 500 magic damage to all enemies within 1 / 2 / 4 hexes.
ACTIVE - PROVOCATION AURA: Galio reduces all incoming damage by 50%, and Taunt icon.png taunts all nearby enemies for 3 seconds. At the end of the taunt, he sends out a pulse of infernal fire dealing 300 / 600 magic damage.
Courtesy of Shawn TFT
Once your team loses 50% of their health, Galio is summoned, slamming into the largest cluster of enemies and knocking them up. The stronger the synergy, the stronger Galio becomes, gaining increased stats and abilities.
- 3 Cultists: Tyrant Galio
- 6 Cultists: Demon Lord Galio
- 9 Cultists: Supreme Overlord Galio
The champions in this set were Aatrox, Elise, Evelyn, Jhin, Kalista, Pyke, Twisted Fate, and Zilean. A chosen Cultist champion also gave you that +1 you needed to complete your comp. Zilean was a particularly great addition to the composition as he kept you in the game by reviving teammates.
In this set, only the champions were edited. The champions here were Aatrox, Elise, Kalista, Pyke, Sivir, Twisted Fate, Vladimir, and Zilean.

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The Mech-Pilot trait appeared in sets 3 and 3.5. The trait had so much detail and merged the traits of three different champions into one big huge Super-Mech.
It was fun to play and one to win games with if you always had the right items and trait synergies. It also had a passive and an active, which made it more fun to play
While at least 3 Mech-Pilots are in play, at the start of combat, three random Mech-Pilots are merged into a Super-Mech until it dies. The Super-Mech has the Traits of its Pilots, as well as 3 random items from among them. When the Super-Mech dies, the Pilots are ejected, and they continue to fight.
Passive - Cleave: The Super-Mech's attacks cleave the area in front of him.
Active - Mecha Justice: The Super-Mech calls down a devastating blast at his target's location, dealing 400 − 5000 (based on combined Star levels) magic damage to his target and 200 − 5000 (based on combined Star levels) magic damage to all other nearby enemies.
NOTE: Super-Mech does not benefit from Innate of Infiltrator, so it cannot leap at the start of combat.
Courtesy of Redox - Teamfight Tactics TFT
While at least 3 Mech-Pilots are in play, at the start of combat, three random Mech-Pilots are merged into a Super-Mech until it dies. The Super-Mech has the Traits of its Pilots, as well as 3 random items from among them. When the Super-Mech dies, the Pilots are ejected with 35% health, and they continue to fight.
Passive - Cleave: The Super-Mech's attacks cleave the area in front of him, dealing 80% damage to secondary targets.
Active - Mecha Justice: The Super-Mech calls down a devastating blast at his target's location, dealing 650 − 5000 (based on combined Star levels) magic damage to his target and 350 − 5000 (based on combined Star levels) magic damage to all other nearby enemies.
The three Super-Mech champions to make this trait possible were Annie, Fizz, and Rumble.

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The Inferno trait only appeared in Set 2 but was definitely worth it.
Inferno spell damage and critical strikes burn the area beneath the target, dealing a percentage of that spell's or crit's pre-mitigation damage as magic damage over 4 seconds, with each tick occurring every 0.5 seconds.
- 3 Infernos: +70% damage within 1 hex
- 6 Infernos: +150% damage within 3 hexes
- 9 Infernos: +250% damage within 5 hexes
The champions in the Inferno trait were Amumu, Annie, Brand, Diana, Kindred, Varus, and Zyra. You could also make any champion an Inferno by combining a Spatula and a Needlessly large rod.
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As if Inferno wasn't already good because of its great synergies and aesthetic effects, it also came with many possibilities of combining with other traits.
- Annie and Zyra were both Summoners
- Diana and Qiyana were both Assassins
- Kindred and Varus were both Rangers.
Inferno and Shadow also shared a lot of champions with shared classes
- Kindred as the shared champion between the two elements
- Annie, Malzahar, Zyra fulfilled the first tier of Summoners
- Brand and Veigar were Mages, making Le blanc the perfect pick for a Shadow Inferno build as she finished the last two.
This made it a very creative trait in TFT alongside its other elemental counterparts.

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Appearing in Set 1 and 2, Glacial was the trait that fully welcomed us to TFT. Something about consistently landing those stuns made the trait exciting to play.
Glacials' basic attacks have a chance to stun their target for 1.5 seconds on-hit.
- 2 Glacials: 20%
- 4 Glacials: 33%
- 6 Glacials: 50%
The champions with the Glacial trait in this set were Anivia, Ashe, Braum, Lissandra, Sejuani, and Volibear. You could also turn any champion to a Glacial with a Spatula and a Giant's Belt. The trait had players running items like Guinsoo's Rageblade to stack up stuns from the backline while slapping items like Warmog's Armor on the Tank Champions like Sejuani, Braum, or even Volibear.
Courtesy of Disguised Toast
Glacials' basic attacks have a 25% chance on-hit to stun their target for 1.5 seconds and deal bonus magic damage.
- 2 Glacials: 75 damage
- 4 Glacials: 175 damage
- 6 Glacials: 375 damage
This set came with changes and champion replacements. Lissandra, Ashe, and Anivia were replaced with Ezreal, Olaf, and Warwick. These changes gave a new feel to the trait and gave layers new options and ways to enjoy the trait while still winning games.

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The sharpshooter trait came with crazy combinations of items and champions. It was indeed one of the most creative traits to play through Set 4 and Set 4.5.
Sharpshooter's basic attacks and spells ricochet to nearby enemies dealing reduced damage (infinite range).
- 2 Sharpshooters: 1 ricochet with 55% reduced damage
- 4 Sharpshooters: 2 ricochets with 50% reduced damage
- 6 Sharpshooters: 3 ricochets with 45% reduced damage
The Champions in this set were Jhin, Jinx, Nidalee, Teemo, and Vayne.
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Sharpshooter's basic attacks and spells ricochet to nearby enemies dealing reduced damage (infinite range).
- 2 Sharpshooters: 2 ricochets with 65% reduced damage
- 4 Sharpshooters: 3 ricochets with 45% reduced damage
- 6 Sharpshooters: 4 ricochets with 30% reduced damage
The champions in this set were Nidalee, Samira, Sivir, Teemo, and Tristana.
Set 4 came with the addition of the chosen buff, which gave you a +1 for the chosen trait of champion you picked. This allowed you to run 6 Sharpshooters if you could find a chosen Sharpshooter Champion.
If you thought the sharpshooter trait was good in Set 4, wait till you got 6 Sharpshooters with a fully itemized Samira in Set 4.5. Simply Incredible.
Courtesy of Disguised Toast
Mages have a chance, when casting to instead Doublecast.
- 3 Mages: 50% chance
- 6 Mages 100% chance. All Mages gain 20 bonus ability power.
Appearing in Set 2, Mages were the talk of the town. Champions in this category were Brand, Le blanc, Syndra, Taliyah, Veigar, and Vladimir. You needed a spatula and the tear of a Goddess to make another Mage.
The trait was amusing to play when you had the right items on the right champions, and you just watched as they deleted enemy comps off the map. 3 Mages were something. Getting 6 Mages meant GG. The trait was, however, updated when brought back in set 4.
Courtesy of Teamfight Tactics by Giant Slayer
While at least 3 Mages are in play, Mages cast their spells twice and have modified ability power.
- 3 Mages: 80% of ability power
- 6 Mages: 120% of ability power
- 9 Mages: 180% of ability power
In this set, champions in the Mage category were Ahri, Annie, Lillia, Lulu, Nami, Twisted Fate, and Veigar. This made the trait even better to play with more options. It also came with various possibilities of combinations with other traits. Sadly you needed two Mage's Hat made from the Spatula like last set to complete 9 Mages. A feat many people were able to attain. The trait was further updated in set 4.5

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While at least 3 Mages are in play. Mages cast their spells twice and have modified ability power.
- 3 Mages: 80% of ability power
- 5 Mages: 105% of ability power
- 7 Mages: 130% of ability power
Aurelion Sol and Brand were added, while Ahri, Lillia, and Nami were removed. Aurelion Sol was a perfect addition to help Veigar alongside the added Dragonsoul advantage.

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That's all, folks!
With so many other creative traits such as Abomination, Cybernetics, Elementalists, Redeemed, and so on, TFT has done an excellent job keeping the game interesting. We look forward to all the new traits in future sets and even hope to see returning traits mentioned in this list. Yes, that's how much we love them!
Regardless we are sure Riot Games will do a great job providing more possibilities and even more creative traits going forward.