Best Agents To Play on Newest Valorant Map, Pearl

With Valorant's Episode 5 Act 1, Riot Games introduced fans to an underwater-themed map, bringing a host of new angles for players to peek at while they secure or destroy the spike in various new ways.
In this article, we've lined up the top 5 agents you can use to wreak havoc on Valorant's newest map based in Portugal, Pearl.
Source: Riot Games

Source: Riot Games
Omen players can take advantage of Valorant's sneaky lurker in Pearl with his smoke abilities that allow the agent to establish control over the map for his team. Meanwhile, players can also use the Controller's teleport ability (From the Shadows) to rotate from one place to another on this huge new map. Since Pearl contains several entrances to a site, Omen would be the only Controller on his list to have a great deal of importance to his smokes when used in conjunction to push through a site using his short teleport ability, Paranoia.

Source: Riot Games
With her kit that allows her to sprint through the map and clear enemies with ease, Valorant's newest map, Pearl will put the electrifying duelist back into a player-preferred spot again. On the other hand, players can use Neon's wall ability (Fast Lane) to allow their team to push through the map, making her a strong pick on Pearl. Meanwhile, enemies in confined corners can be stunned using her Relay Bolt concussion grenade.

Source: Riot Games
In a map with lesser visibility due to being situated underwater, players can make good use of Chamber's Rendezvous ability and surprise enemies by instantly teleporting from one angle to another. On the other hand, his Tour De Force sniper can come in handy to take out enemies situated at a distance, especially in Pearl, where one-on-one gunfights are a risky choice. Due to the Sentinel's high flanking potential, Valorant's Frenchman is a suitable agent to pick on the latest map.

Source: Riot Games
With her versatile ability kit that proves lethal on any map, a skilled Viper player could easily establish control over Valorant's 8th map with this poisonous controller. Since Pearl contains several entrances to a bombsite, Viper's ultimate can help block enemies from entering the site, being a great post-plant strategy. Players can use her Snake Bite canister to damage players in conjunction with her toxic screen ability to cover entrances.

Source: Riot Games
The Turkish initiators kit proves to be extremely useful primarily due to her information-gathering abilities, allowing players to use Haunt to reveal hidden enemies within the map's confined corners. On a map with several rooftops and buildings, players can fire her Prowler orb to show the exact location of each enemy and provide an immense amount of recon utility to their team. In post-plant situations, Fade players can also use her Seize to trap enemies situated in a site effectively