Riot Teases Valorant’s Next Agent ‘Bounty Hunter’

Riot Games have once again dropped a teaser for Valorant’s upcoming agent, code-named ‘Bounty Hunter’.
Through a ‘State of The Agents’ blog post, Riot developer ‘John Goscicki’ revealed a teaser image for the mysterious new agent, confirmed to be of Turkish descent.
Next Agent Teaser | #VALORANT
— Valorleaks | Leaks & Info (@ValorLeaks) March 28, 2022
“Herkesin bir korkusu var.”
Confirmed to belong to the Initiator class, ‘Bounty Hunter’ will give players ‘a more intimate feeling’ while hunting down enemies. Character Producer 'John Koscicki' also revealed that the next agent will have ‘more localized’ initiation and recon tools in his kit. The text, ‘Herkesin bir korkusu var.’ which translates to ‘Everyone has a fear’, solidified rumors of the agent’s Turkish roots.
Riot’s Valorant team has been holding discussions to develop an agent that would possess Sova’s information gathering abilities, as the Initiator has risen to an important spot within the current meta. Sova’s unique information-gathering ability kit plays a significant role in Valorant’s ‘tactical loop’, where a single piece of information regarding a team’s enemies could help players decide their next step.
However, Riot’s blog post didn’t specify when Valorant fans can experience the agent on live servers, but players should expect more information to be released soon.