Valorant Patch 4.03 Highlights

Valorant Patch 4.03 Highlights

With their newest patch, Riot’s Valorant team has introduced a few changes to Brimstone’s ultimate, adjustments to Team Deathmatch mode, along with a few performance updates.

Patch 4.03 aims to make Deathmatch an even more enjoyable experience for Valorant fans by removing and relocating a few ‘dangerous’ spawn points, reduction in spawn time, fixing issues with warm-ups, and more.

Valorant to run faster on mid to high tier PCs

Global Invalidation is a new UI feature engineered by Riot that aims to improve CPU-bound performance by significantly reducing the number of UI elements required to update every frame.
Since Valorant is mostly CPU-bound, fans can expect a 15% boost in framerate thanks to the new optimization feature. Riot Games hopes that this performance update will help a 'large amount of player base' benefit from this feature, based on the data gathered from PBE.

Valorant fans can read about the rest of the changes that include bug fixes to Viper and Chamber, cosmetic and quality of life updates by clicking on the full patch notes article here. Patch 4.03 is scheduled to go live on Tuesday, February 15.

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