Xayah and Jinx Receive Nerfs in Preview for League's Patch 12.8

The preview for League's upcoming pro-play patch, 12.8, reveals a slew of changes to Xayah's kit, extensive nerfs to Zeri's base stats, and a Swain rework.
Heavy on buffs and adjustments, League's upcoming patch targets 14 champions with a slew of buffs while revealing nerfs for 3 meta champions.
12.8 with all the content!
— Phlox (@RiotPhlox) April 19, 2022
We've pulled a few things from this patch either for more time or after reconsiderations. Pretty fun patch I'd say!
Numbers are definitely subject to further change
Also remember 12.8 is the MSI patch so no more changes coming for the pro game there pic.twitter.com/phCwJyFkwa
Zeri gets hit by a heavy nerf to her base stats, with her HP reduced from 610 to 560. Xayah gets her Q damage adjusted from 45/65/85/105/125 to 45/60/75/90/105, her Q cooldown increases from 10-6 to 10-8. The slew of nerfs to Xayah's Q aim to diminish her late-game impact.
Alongside a massive overhaul to Swain and adjustments to Kai’sa, Riot aims to bring older champions back into the spotlight, ensuring a consistent update for pro matches to be played on. After reconsidering their current state within the meta, Riot's League team decided to pull back Seraphine and Aatrot changes from this patch.
Teasing a nerf for Pyke in the earlier preview, Riot developer ‘August’ now confirmed that they have decided to postpone the renowned harpooners nerfs to a future patch.
League fans shouldn't expect a B-patch for 12.8, as Riot has been careful with their balance changes and bug fixes since the Mid Season Invitational will be played on this update. Patch 12.8 is scheduled to hit live servers on Wednesday, April 27.